Navigating the Future of Healthcare: Insights from HIMSS 2024

Jeff Mard
5 min readMar 13, 2024
Source: Author [Expo Floor @ HIMSS 2024]

The annual Health Information & Management Systems Society (HIMSS) conference, a cornerstone event in the healthcare technology industry, kicked off this week in beautiful Orlando, Florida. The theme of the conference is “Create Tomorrow’s Health.” And so far, HIMSS and their new owner Informa PLC have paid off on that thematic.

I attended the CIO Experience track at the start of #HIMSS24 and it didn’t disappoint. It started off with a flurry of discussions, presentations, and insights into the evolving landscape of healthcare. Suneel Gupta left the most lasting impression on Day 1 with his reminder to focus on 55 / 5. The idea is that for every 55 minutes of work, you must take a 5 minute break. A break to connect, let your body rest by connecting with a task that brings you pleasure. Go on a walk, listen to some music, meditate, you get the idea → it unlocks greater productivity & work-life balance.

A myriad topics were covered at HIMSS. Three themes emerged:

  • The intersection of technology and healthcare.
  • The imperative of cybersecurity in an increasingly digitized world.
  • The risk + reward when it comes to artificial intelligence (AI).



Jeff Mard

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